Sunday, April 25, 2010

makeshift brunch with friends

We had our good friends Josh and Monique over this morning with the plan that we were going to all walk together to the Brooklyn Flea to get lunch there. We hung out at the apartment for a while first--they hadn't seen Ruby in a while so she was getting showered with attention--and then got going when we were good and hungry. We got Ruby all put together and into her stroller with the rain guard around it and walked all the way there in the rain...only to find out that the wussy food vendors didn't show up because of the rain! It's indoors, people. Come on.

So we headed back to the apartment and Jude dug around and threw together a mishmash of things. It was actually pretty darn good. Baked grapefruit, toast with raspberry preserves, eggs to order, salad, and avocado with lime. I then made my caramel-cinnamon biscuits again, too, because I had all the ingredients I needed. Not bad for an unplanned meal for four.